Judgment and intuition are the catalyst of corporate team structure. Journey Director Arnie Cobos’ evidence-based team building framework breaks the cyclic wheel of poor performing teams. Chat with Arnie
Corporate Team Assessment
A traditional K-12 education teaches us how to follow rules, obey orders and follow guidelines. The majority of employers don’t want robots…they want decision-makers and leaders. Today is the first day of your enhanced team. Chat with Arnie
Team Building
You’ve created New Years’ Resolutions. It’s likely that most of the resolutions failed within the first 45-days. Your goals shouldn’t die like a New Years’ Resolution. Meet Arnie…your journey director. Chat with Arnie
You & Me Coaching
There is a cheerful, creative and innovative artist in all of us. Journey director Arnie Cobos leads a zenflectful and calming team building session through art, imagination and empathy. Chat with Arnie
Art Therapy
We learn from our successes and failures. We also learn from the successes and failures of our peers. Inspiration is the result of lived experience. In a small group environment, you will learn from your peers, and your peers will learn from you. Chat with Arnie
Group Sessions
“It’s the way we’ve always done it” is the catchphrase of low performing military teams. Arnie heard this phrase for 20 consecutive years. Innovative team building doesn’t have history…it’s the definition of innovation. Chat with Arnie
Military Unit Assessment